The ground-based gravitational wave community meets regularly at scientific conferences, workshops, and collaboration meetings to discuss topics related to planning for a 3rd generation gravitational-wave observatory network. Relevant meetings and conferences will be added to this list on a periodic basis.
If you know of a relevant meeting that should be added to the list, please contact the webmaster, and include the meeting name, venue, and website in your e-mail.
A virtual event -
GR22/13th Amaldi Conference
Valencia, Spain
2019 Dawn V: Global Strategies for Gravitational Wave Astronomy
EGO, Cascina, Italy
Gravitational Wave Advanced Detector Workshop
Elba, Italy
10th Einstein Telescope Symposium
Orosei, Sardinia, Italy
3rd Generation Science-Case Consortium Meeting
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam, Germany
LIGO-Virgo Collaboration Meeting
Maastricht University, Netherlands
Dawn IV: Global Strategies for Gravitational Wave Astronomy
Gravitational Wave Advanced Detector Workshop
Girdwood, Alaska, USA
Einstein Telescope Symposium
EGO, Cascina, Italy
LIGO-Virgo Collaboration Meeting
Sonoma State University, USA
Einstein Telescope Design Study Workshop
University of Glasgow, Scotland
LIGO-Virgo Collaboration Meeting
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
12th Amaldi Conference
LIGO Caltech
What’s Next for Gravitational Wave Astronomy?
Syracuse, NY, USA