GWIC's mission is to facilitate international collaboration and cooperation in the construction, operation and use of the major gravitational wave detection facilities world-wide.
Gravitational Wave International Committee (GWIC) was formed in 1997 to facilitate international collaboration and cooperation in the construction, operation and use of the major gravitational wave detection facilities world-wide. It is associated with the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics as its Working Group WG.11. Through this association, GWIC is connected with the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation (IUPAP's Affiliated Commission AC.2), its Commission C19 (Astrophysics), and another Working Group, the AstroParticle Physics International Committee (APPIC).
The Bylaws describe operation and governance of GWIC.
GWIC derives its standing in the international community from its relationship to the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP). In 2011, GWIC was appointed as a Working Group (WG.11) of IUPAP. Since that date GWIC reports directly to the IUPAP council.
Each year, GWIC provides a short report of its activities to the IUPAP Council. An archive of these reports is given below.
To be announced.